Doc 07/08/2024 (Mon) 03:19 No.56411 del
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In the past I poked and probed women online and offline a lot trying to understand what was their deal exactly.

Out of all of them, I met 4 who were intelligent enough to be "self-aware". They were intelligent enough to understand (and want) what would be moral behavior, what would be a mutually beneficial relationship, and even to want mutual understanding.
But there were 2 big differences.
One, the way they described how emotions, instincts and feelings overpowered them was far more intense than what I experienced or saw any men describe experiencing. This made for a particularly horrible experience for those women who were self-aware, but had literal episodes of "being a woman" and no control over it. This led them to a degree of self-hatred and destructive behavior that was quite disturbing.
Two, the techniques I was experimenting myself at the time (All of those things I explained before, but less refined) worked very differently on them. They just got overpowered and couldn't have their side on the conversation, it was fully unilateral. Today I get that none of those techniques can actually change the way their brains is configured with very little dominance of the rational self and extreme overdriven instincts that are themselves different from the male instincts.

So, from my experience, women would have to be bred out of those traits to be able to have them act autonomously within a society without destroying it. Good nurturing alone wouldn't be enough.