Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 10:21 No.58928 del
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I stood up to clap and as I clapped I heard a bald eagle scream behind me. It's cool that they translate everything so that us spanish speakers can understand. I can only hope that one day we'll have schools in Spanishland, where they could teach us foreign languages

I watched the full video and it's a pretty sad tale. She has stereotypical asian parents that treat her like trash despite her achievements. What makes it worse is that her dad barely graduated from high school and only got a decent job through nepotism. Which wouldn't be a problem if they weren't egotistical, broken, miserable people that abuse their children to take out frustration caused by their own shortcomings. You'd think she could just move in with some guy or something and forget her parents but it sounds like it may be too late for her. Hopefully it's not the case