Anonymous 09/27/2024 (Fri) 03:40 No.59249 del
Cool dream last night:
It started in my parent's house. Everyone was there, even my dad who is no longer alive, and they were all scared and told me that there was a monster outside the back of the house and it looked like an Alien xenomorph. It was also totally dark outside except for a blood red glow coming over the horizon. I was scared as well but I had summoned my handgun and that made me feel a bit better (nota total lucid dream move as I still limited myself to things I have irl). As I went towards the back of the house I saw an alien like shadow and shot at it, and that's when that dream ended.
Second dream I was driving my mom's car through a cartoon like super complicated freeway interchange. I was doing well navigating through but then I drove up a ramp that was too steep and the car fell back into the void.
3rd part was me and my family watching a movie that was just like the 1st dream with the Alien. Not much happened in that one but I remember seeing that red glow again.