Doc 09/29/2024 (Sun) 22:52 No.59356 del
This is by all means the end of the cycle for capitalism. Not by a flaw, but by working too well. The "mice utopia" problem sort of.

When a system is new, it has a "goal", a problem to solve, and the solution of that problem is the guide that keeps it in a direction. Capitalism solved its problem, it reached "entropy", and as such it is without direction. Anything is possible, so we have the people who run it satisfying whatever whim cries the loudest and chasing utopias.
Correctly identifying the next goal, the thing that gives us meaning, is the game.
Midwit autistic people think that efficiency is that goal, they think satisfying their ego must be the next step. But that is not a correct/complete understanding of the human. Thus, the day of the linux never comes.

We are very greedy beings, and we will take any risk to not be bugs, including going into the stars and shit.