Anonymous 09/30/2024 (Mon) 05:54 No.59367 del
(1.81 MB 576x1024 Download(1).mp4)
(1.66 MB 576x1024 Download.mp4)
Mfw I found out that Misha's tiktok is full of height fetish content that I love. I might have to marry her and move to Japan

>be a tall girl
>every single tiktok is "i am tall compared to other people"
>get millions of views each time

>R8 this muscle girl. I think she's pretty, but she's probably a midget.
Head to body ratio is pretty odd (low) and when she ran on the treadmill it looked like she's 4 feet tall :(

You don't have to do that of course, it's just about building better habits and a more positive outlook