Anonymous 09/30/2024 (Mon) 07:04 No.59369 del [Embed] the virgin 🤓 redditor tech death vs the chad lighter waving melodeath see I didn't make it about nationalities this time even though I really should

what does entropy entail in the case of capitalism? what does it look like in practice? would you say crypto gambling with its yuge popularity is an example of it, or are you talking about a different type of unpredictability? maybe it's my overly emotional brain, but it's usually the effects it has on people that gets me thinking about it, rather than technical/conceptual aspects of capitalism itself. The wage wasn't the main reason I never started that night watchman job I landed, but I won't deny it was upsetting to think about how I'd be spending so many hours at a workplace for so little money. It's insane how much the attitude towards work has changed in the last couple generations (obviously in direct correlation with the free fall of wages relative to cost of living)

>Midwit autistic people think that efficiency is that goal
big shoutout to cam's people

me on the right in 2nd pic

looking great. almost as good as ella's profile, but that's a high bar