Doc 09/30/2024 (Mon) 13:25 No.59375 del
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Nah, coincidence. These chick's faces are more alike than you think. Its millimeters here and there that differentiate them.

Entropy is a case of an unbalanced system becoming balanced. The simplest example is a lake on top of a mountain, it has the potential to flow down, so it will flow down. When it is down it is a "stable system", there is no more potential movement in it and entropy was reached.
In capitalism, that potential was our fight against basic survival needs, that both drove people to rally behind the effort and guided the direction of that effort.
Now we know the means to solve that problem and most "able" people are not affected by it much. So it reached a stable state. Our combined drive moved elsewhere, at the moment scattered all over.

What is unique of the next drive is that it will likely not be from our environment, but from ourselves. My bet is on technological progress itself being it.