Anonymous 10/02/2024 (Wed) 12:12 No.59433 del
(6.32 MB 720x1280 cuju9iawd.mp4)
I wish I had a better way of coping with bitter truths like that instead of just isolating myself. Especially because that's impossible to do in a way that's fully satisfactory; I still need to see and talk to people every day unless I want to completely let go. It's not that I'm afraid of this or that hypothetical outcome like Fernanda sings about in Stronghold, it's that I know for a fact that I get physically violent if I'm exposed to too much ooga booga 80 IQ normie bs (the nu-tribal music that they like to play on any device with speakers probably doesn't help calm me down). It wasn't like that before but something broke that wasn't already broken (insert Peugeot joke). I'm also increasingly pessimistic about the future. All in all a pretty shit experience 0/5 would not recommend to my friends