Doc 10/04/2024 (Fri) 02:48 No.59476 del
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Never thought of it as a "low IQ soap opera", but I did find it boring originally. More like a "spiceless" (hehe) metaphor for the IRAQ war + anglo court drama. Of course I'm speaking of the David Lynch version and the old TV adaptation. DUNC was not out yet.
But later I came to appreciate it, both the Lynch and DUNC. There is indeed spice on those dunes, but the presentation is done kind of evangelically? I think they want to emulate the effect of religious texts, the magic of finding the meaning or something.

The show is picking a "feminist" (as in, not really but I can see how idiots would think it is) point of the story to focus on so my expectations aren't every high. But the casting and visuals are tasteful and that point of the story could be very interesting if done right. (The origin of the Bene Gesserit).