Anonymous 11/24/2024 (Sun) 19:14 No.61076 del
Nice, you found her.
I wonder how tall Kai Trump is. Did you see her leggerinos in the "can I beat my grandpas golf record" video

>I read that elon has been trying extra hard to seem normal and relatable lately. Tweeting about MTG and vidya and stuff like that a lot again. It's either a scheme or he's just in a good mood because he finally landed a government job meaning he doesn't have to lift a finger or use his brain ever again
Yeah it is weird, I think it's another scheme in psyopping us into following some leader figure. There are all these alt right figures that are suspicious and do not always feel like organic people

>>there is neither birth nor death. There is only pure being
>cam whenever a jew asks about his ancestors
I tink I will just pretend that my possible secret jewish ancestry does not exist