Anonymous 12/08/2024 (Sun) 16:14 No.61478 del
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It is going good. A lot of good things are aligning right now:
- poe2 came out, which I have been playing a bit , and it has been fun
- XRP is doing good, and many good signs are out there that it will continue upwards soon this year
- i have been writing a lot lately which has been fun. it is fun because it has a certain type of compounding effect that when you write regularly, your brain will signal you more ideas because the writing gears or the idea factories in one's head have been turned on and are producing something
- i read about cicada 3301 lately which I found really interesting. everything about it intrigues me, mainly because i love mysteries. it is a group of people who put out some difficult puzzles involving cryptography, math and so on, to search for people to recruit who were able to solve the puzzles. i am not smart enough for these types of puzzles i think, but i found the existence of this group interesting because i had surmised or thought that such a group should theoretically exist before knowing about them

how about you