Anonymous 09/24/2022 (Sat) 10:50 No.59 del
(219.54 KB 1363x756 benedectines.jpg)
Some documentaries include the titles of the music used in the rolling titles at the end. (though that may be limited to copyrighted material, which monastic chants should not be)
Currently the Iona Abbey is controlled by a pseudo-communist universalist collective.

Some chants from various monastic orders:
Benedictine Monks Singing Choir
chants: Salve festa dies, Quem vidistis pastores, Genuit puerpera regem, Angelus ad pastores ait, Facta est cum angelo, Parvulus filius, Hodie nobis caelorum Rex, Ave Regina coelorum, Regina Coeli, Angelus autem Domini [Embed]
Sequence for St. Augustine, Augustinian monks, USA [Embed]
Salve Regina, sung by the Carthusian monks of Grande Chartreuse, France [Embed]
Ave Maris Stella, Modo I, chanted by Benedictine Nuns [Embed]