Anonymous 02/28/2022 (Mon) 15:11:23 No.17814 del
Find the Russian fifth columnists within Ukraine (there are likely very many).
Drug them and outfit them with an explosive vest you can detonate remotely using a cell phone or other electronic device.
Have them approach any tank or armored vehicle and detonate the vest.
Even if the explosion does not completely destroy the vehicles it will likely disable them and substantial repairs will be required, delaying their advance. You will also have eliminated a Russian traitor among your people.
Ukrainians are kind and peaceful people, but in times of war this puts you at a disadvantage. In times of war it is necessary to become cruel and ruthless. Find your enemies and kill them. Destroy every physical asset of theirs that you can get your hands on. Arm and train each other, don't completely rely on the military to help you. Form citizen assault groups and conduct raids on the invaders. Destroy them. Take no prisoners and show no mercy. Video record everything and upload everywhere. Demoralize your enemy. Encourage Russians on social media to protest in Russia.
Fight every day. Win. You are Aryans. You are Ukrainians.
Blessings to Ukraine and may the holy ancestors help and protect you. Ignore the kremlin shills. Aryans worldwide love and support you. We are eager to join the fight. We stand as one family.
White Pride Worldwide!
1488 Sieg Heil!