Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 10:14 No.67722 del
Let's look at this objectivly:
1) you are not a lawyer and not a programmer. You're a dumb guy.
2) You don't like cute young girls.
3) You think you are superior somehow anyway.

Additionally you won't post your face. And your ass is burning about someone liking cuter younger girls.

Thirdly you prefer to post massive texts in perfect amerikanski english (not even proper english from the UK), and you fail to use even one shibboleth from proper UK english.

You post very short texts in russian after being called out. Two sentances here and there. They are constructed in the style does such and not google or bablefish translation.

You won't state your occupation.
You suggest we all "lift" and "get the women". But we've been lifting for decades. One increases, and then when one stops for awhile one deflates.

Forth: you googled russian incel and found some guy. Who uses the word incel?

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