11/21/2024 (Thu) 10:25
>>67708>>Peskov has alot of viking blood.>Ok, ok, you've got me. Guess, you'll not be able to squeeze from yourself anytning more funny. And our conversation is getting a little boring. A total "lose-lose' situation.Thank you for your information.
>A total "lose-lose' situation.This thread is completely about C and the domain of 3d triangle-data parsing. If you aren't interested in that specific area of computing it would never be enjoyable to you. It's an aquired taste, and if you're too young you won't appreciate (having simply been handed mega-triangle games for free). When I was a child we had to build all the maps we wanted, ourselves. Or go online and slowly download 3d maps other children built. Some adults built maps too. All were men and boys.
>/rus/ of Endchan is a wrong place for you to find some supporters for your project from Russia. You know, this place is too liberal. Conservative Russians gather at Check it out, please.>There are 4 board that might interest you in this site.>/b/ is traditionaly board for general discussion>/pol/ for politics>/gd/ is for game development>/pr/ is for coding>You might also be interested in "Петухи" movement. "Roosters" in English. They are called so, because rooster is always ready to fight for his life and property and fucks as many young hens as he wants. In other words, it is movement for male suprimacy. It is the thing you are supporting, I guess. So just ask in something like: "Как мне присоединиться к петухам?" And they'll show you the way.Why do you not join my project? I came here to say I do not discriminate against russians : an algorithim is an algorithim. If you've been kicked out of the C project Linux: obviously you like to code for free for some reason: I accept that. Do I condone coding for free: no. With one exception. Fun toy-like foppish foolish bullshit can be coded for free because it's just a hobby or a toy. 3d is that. So codeing C for free for 3d makes more sence than coding C for free for system software. No one will make money off your free 3d code for Quake1. People do make money off your free code for Linux.