11/21/2024 (Thu) 10:35
>>67718> > >>67701> >has good tastes then:> >He likes young girls.> Only taste he has is taste of cellmate's dick in his mouth. He is in prison now for sex with a minor. You suppose that because your woman's country's 2 million, 3 million police threw him in jail, that he is wrong. That's a logical fallacy. Argument from authority.
When you are nuclear ash: and you will be: will you be consistent and say "well looks like we were wrong"? Or will you flip and say "the use of force to enforce women's wants against the based and redpilled loli rapist was right because Jesus the faggot said so ("better a millstone" "chop off your dick for heaven"), but the use of force against us in WW3 was wrong"?
>And it's your fate tooI pray to YHWH that I torture and then kill all who oppose YHWH's law: which explicitly allows child brides. I thank YHWH that he elevated Biden who freed the Afghans: they are now raping their child brides as is written in Devarim 22 verse 28. A right of theirs. It is what I prayed to YHWH for and it occured as it was His will.
I pray I do not falter in killing those who would wish me ill and attempt to force me to follow another Power other than YHWH.
> > >brown eyed retards like you are not who we think of as Russkie> Nobody cares, what you think
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