Anonymous 11/21/2024 (Thu) 12:36 No.67760 del
(3.41 MB 1280x720 1726628740883796.webm)
See this video?
This is a cruise missile my country fired into your country. It had a 8-15 kiloton fission pit, without a secondary.

This is a nuclear explosion at tver, toropets, on the night of 17th-18th. Elevated levels of cesium-137 were detected at the stations on the border with norway on the day of september 18th. The radiation station in tver was taken offline. An earthquake of similar magnitude to a 15kt weapon was registered that night.

You think we cannot kill you?

Do you acknowlege that the first part of this video shows a plasma ball, lighting the entire horizon up like the morning sun, and once the incandecence stops from the xrays, the view goes dark revealing again the night?

Are you a stupid person that thinks something else can do that? Oh right, you're not a "stupid" "lawyer or programmer". You're a superior woman worshiping faggot who doesn't like little girls.

We will kill you.
Remeber this when you are suffering.