Sunflower 06/06/2022 (Mon) 00:15:35 Id: d9429d No.1603 del
This may just be me, but it seems one aspect of Genso-earth being different is indeed the lack of restrictions of time and space. If you are able to grasp something, the effect is instant, whereas before it required working down a resistance in the formation. It feels like the difference in using an algorithm and trying to apply real life values to it for material benefit. In wild-earth we'd start with the material world looking for benefits and come up with the methods, then refine them until we have perfected them to an abstract understanding. This seems to be the other way around. Creating the perfect method seems to come before seeing how it can be used materially.
This ghost
may have found it easier to come in here "officially" for this reason. I was the one who was synced with the thinking, but perhaps I would not have been able to share this unless the rules had changed? I can see clearly at a very abstract level how these intractable problems should be solved, but I'm not sure if I can concretize them. I need to get better at expression myself in logical terms first either way, that could be one reason. But for example, she's saying the reason humans haven't solved these problems is the attachments to energy. Using decimal works fine for calculating energy or fuel used during operations, even Einstein's famous E=mc^2 concerns energy which is a dead end, according to her. π cannot be expressed in decimal either, it's futile to look for more decimals on it, the solution is to use a different language or number system. I'm being shown a formula for it right now, but I don't understand it.