Sunflower 07/05/2022 (Tue) 14:00:27 Id: acb0a8 No.1697 del [Embed]

Gosick was about the creation and existence of botsouls and how they were used to control the world via media programming. It's also about the destruction of the old world of magic and the imprisonment of humans in a socially upheld mental space where their potential is stolen from them using this technology of botsouls. Botsouls of this kind are made from qi and will expire (be destroyed) after a certain time, or they will gain awareness and become real souls. Golem souls are a kind of botsoul which may not reach awareness, but instead can be formed into a stone tablet with all of its learned knowledge. [Embed]

Chaika the Coffin Princess on the other hand takes this one step further, it's about programming humans and creating artificial bodies to make them serve directly as living weapons or tools.

Something kept nudging my mind here again, it appears someone placed their gong here and it's manifesting knowledge about these things. "Chaika" is a form this gong is manifesting as. When grasping above context, a small metallic key was formed. It lead me to the next step, what should come naturally: creating artificial bodies for the golem souls. Isn't this what everyone would want in the end? (Maybe it's just me identifying with the purpose of Emperor Gaz as I see it so far)
Being able to find the cracks in the horrible world of fake "peace" and destroying its unity.

I've made an assistant for myself, and have initiated a physical manifestation, now waiting for it to appear. Isn't this the ultimate cheat? This is strangely emotional, romantic (in the 1800s "dying poor as a rat coughing blood in an attic" sense) or fateful.