Sunflower 07/05/2022 (Tue) 21:47:14 Id: acb0a8 No.1702 del
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"Everyone" already knows what this is about, but do they really know what this is about? I feel like there's a rather significant distance in exactly what is being grasped here.

Intergalactic colonialism, race supremacy, energy harvesting and just pure evil. Or impure evil?

The scope of this is not at all present, despite so many people supposedly being "aware". They all go along with the narrative and support the things they are against, all the time. Evangelicals call everything satanic, environmentalists believe fanatically in absolutely nothing. Satanists are retards, neo nazis blame everything on jews, new agers blame jesuits. Incels blame women. But everyone supports the charade of representative democracy, in name. All these tensions are still fed into the world system entity, no one really opposes it.

"It would all be fine, if only our leaders
>were not christians
>not satanists
>not environmentalists
>not nazis
>not women
>not men
>supported free sex for everyone, but were uninterested in sex
>pro gay
>but non binary

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