Sunflower 07/05/2022 (Tue) 22:05:22 Id: acb0a8 No.1703 del
The concept of black magic itself has been turned into a meme which cloaks its real meaning. This may be the most effective stunt pulled ever. By fragmenting the minds of the population, creating central government with its agencies as a brain prosthesis, they have removed the ability to think from humans and externalized it to this mega device. It's all done in plain sight.

MK-ULTRA? Oh no they experimented on children in some dark rooms in the 1970s. Let's go and expose them, that'll show them! Let's think using the artificial brain, let's rely on its sense of morality and change its rules a bit, then we'll be free.

Everything is a computer simulation! Oh wait the Matrix was about trans rights. We need the artificial brain to give us the right to think!

Vaccines are a first step to chipping everyone like farm cattle, soon you won't be able to trade unless you have a chip in your hand and a GPS in the back of your head! But let's not say anything about the implants that are already in everyone's heads. We need law and order to fight the niggers. Make something illegal please, artificial brain!
Change the implants and their programming to suit me!