Sunflower 07/28/2022 (Thu) 17:50:12 Id: bd10f8 No.1826 del
So, it appears this planet and plane is very difficult overall. In some recent interactions with "physical aliens from another physical planet", some more things were clarified to me. I had to bring this up in a channelling session to get detailed replies. It seems
>earth is very difficult for anyone to interact with because of it's make-up
>most aliens can't land here because the timelines are extremely hard to sync with and we are more ethereal than other planets (!)
>they want to come here and use natural resources but they have been unable to because they have higher particle density

In short, we need to lower our density if we want to meet them on their plane of 3D, de-manifestation of our matter rather than manifestation. They see us in the same way we see spirits, most of them can't see us at all.

With this new point of reference I tried again to manifest a simple flying saucer by first putting it into the lower density and then gradually making it more ethereal. For some reason it's fairly easy to manifest things directly over there, while here it's restricted. Once I got to the frequency of our 3D, the saucer "blinked" once and then shot off into the sky with a very quick split second image and trail appearing, just as things do when trying to manifest from 4D. This place is just so slippery, things either fall off to other densities or just won't show up visibly because of the restrictions on what can be seen inside the timeline; they turn invisible or appear as common objects if they manage to sync sustainably (saucer looks like a helicopter etc).

To make sure I was doing it right I did some more testing with manifesting a knife and pressing the tip against my hand, it still works. I feel the pain and pull my hand back even if they knife doesn't visibly materialize. Double-checking with the murder nymphs from the park had the same result, I told them to press a knife tip against any of my fingertips and it worked every time.

It seems to come down to two things:
>objects which defy the technological development level locally cannot appear in their real form
>this dimension is as easy to sync with as balancing on a soaped handrail