Sunflower 12/03/2022 (Sat) 17:21 Id: ee9ba5 No.2224 del
In case you missed it

Musk is releasing internal communication from Twitter, showing that the US democratic party had a direct influence on what was being censored/deleted. Twitter was effectively functioning as their megaphone and the previous owner, Jack Dorsey, wasn't even aware of the extent of this because lower level moderators took things into their own hands.

Some are now saying
>everyone already knew this
but here is it, confirmed. This makes a difference.

I saw a build-up of energy in North America for the past few days, thinking it looked serious. So serious I think this may be called "the American revolution" in historic records. Throwing this little thing out there may be the match the lights the fire.

Funny coincidence was that a Chinese protester used this wording about the recent "mass incident" where people openly chanted "Communist party - resign!"
>we have started the fire