Sunflower 01/28/2023 (Sat) 15:40 Id: 58c126 No.2851 del
>the transformation aspect of the ethereal sigil?Also the nano bots.
The idea is to find an element which is relevant for all of your being, past and future. Looking at yourself from this element, you would be able to gain insight into all parts of your being, no matter what kind of incarnation it was manifested as. For this to work it would have to be pretty small and have a general, unprovocative form so it could transform itself into any of your past or future forms.

I've tried in the past to make things in the "human" form, but the galactic standards interpret this as humanoid, and because most humanoids are furbeasts, it becomes a humanoid furbeast with that DNA setting. Making a demon would also tend to result in it having fur and goat legs. Elves don't have fur but they use ritual magic or are downright sadists (drow) so that also wouldn't work. That's why it has to be a fairy. Those are smooth skinned and mostly uncontroversial in terms of what magic they use, so they can penetrate all dimensions.

The nanobots are for this reason in the form of fairies. To penetrate an area, you have to remove blockages. Those consist of matter, so to do this effortlessly it's easiest to magnify it until the matter is seen at particle level. Then you can transform one molecule into another or replace atoms easily until you get through. This results in the fairy operating at a level where you can't see it most of the time.
>These seem to be different between this sigil and the other ships
The ship is normal sized and functions as a temple for the fairy. In here your body will manifest in its normal form, but having colors all over. That is because it's made up from fairy particles. The ship is separate from the fairy and regular in construct, aside from the technical designs of having an AI system with an avatar that speaks and the lack of a weapon system. There is no reason that this ship should get in trouble because the fairy dissolves all problems before entering the area. The resonance tool is an amplifier for psychic abilities, it is the only "weapon" needed.