Sunflower 02/11/2023 (Sat) 22:49 Id: 53437d No.2993 del
I think that I was able to attain this bilocation state by removing gravity. Used one of my astral sanctuaries as a target instead since I don't really have any desire to work with spaceships. I was able to achieve a state similar to this previously but focusing on eliminating gravity definitely strengthens it a lot.
What I really want to achieve though is true teleportation. Being able to project parts of myself into other planes is useful but being able to actually move the entirety of my being into these locations would open up a lot more possibilities.
Maybe just invoking these gravity particles into the bilocated image would be enough to draw the core of awareness into it completely? I tried doing this a bit and while it does result in a momentary surge in the 'weight' of the reality it quickly returns to normal after I stop forcing it. I'm probably still missing something about how these particles work. Or the intention of permanence just isn't being assumed correctly.