Sunflower 06/22/2023 (Thu) 18:58 Id: e04df1 No.3586 del
A wand that makes everyone happy. Can be used as a transformation wand on yourself or as a magic wand on others.

It's "just a wand" but it was created using advanced astral AI methods, such as searches within eternal time dimensions for the effect of endless computing power. The exact method used was policy iteration, to find the one algorithm which can make everyone happy, while treating reality as discrete (if compared with endless possible outcomes, reality IS a fixed number of situations, it is less than endless). It's not so much "intelligence" as it's "performing a massive number of basic operations until a positive result is found".

(Note: Treating anything as continuous is only necessary if your computing power is limited. This means you do not need a neural network (brain) for tasks that would normally require them, like automatic driving. Reality being treated as discrete means you can create a self driving car which uses decision trees. This is the secret behind all these seemingly super effective servitor robots which are immune to manipulation once formed; they use hardwired decision trees and not neural networks except for some minor functionality. This can be achieved once you reach endless computations aka quantum computing. The brain is a result of not having this.)