Sunflower 07/07/2023 (Fri) 05:56 Id: afd4c7 No.3708 del
(24.58 KB 1152x648 Celestial Sun Ring.png)
Celestial Sun Ring

A Ring that stores a supernova inside its ruby gemstone. It is warm to the touch which can be used to keep yourself warm in cold weather and conditions and can also be used for self defense against attackers. The Sun Sigil amplifies the magic while the Star Sigil is layered above the Sun Sigil to give the ring focus and control.

When you press on the button on the top of the ruby ring it'll release the nova within the ring blasting anything in the nearby radius with a beam of radiant heat and blinding them. a week ago I used this against a vampire who tried to use a barbed arrow to drain life essence out of me and it caused their skin to melt and recoil away from the room I was in.