Sunflower 09/11/2023 (Mon) 22:02 Id: cd95a6 No.4242 del
(134.20 KB 1095x1425 pvz meme with Jesus.jpg)
>also, I have a tulpa. Don't know if that's relevant to anything.

Ask the tulpa to use the unused and untapped potentials of your mind to figure out the answer to the questions you just asked.

If it helps report back. If not then I will answer your questions tomorrow if I have time to post.

But seriously. If you have a tulpa already is good. You can use it to access multiple parts of your subconscious that you are not aware with a little practice and with that find the answers to everything. You just let your tulpa become supersmart like the Daemon of Socrates. The most famous tulpamancer.

pic unrelated