11/22/2023 (Wed) 21:47
Id: 208fd9
>>5019>How long does it take to feel energy in the first exercise, I can't feel anythingbtw you always feel energy the same way you always see your nose and always feel that the tongue is in your mouth your mind just simply ignores it because it is "not important" to be aware of it. Feeling energy is the same. It will not boost your survival or reproductive chances so it doesn't feel a need to make you aware of it. This is why focusing on your breath and your heart beat is important in meditation because you subconscious always pays attention to those so if you tune into the awareness level of your subconscious you will be able to "feel" the other things that is around you all the time. This is why "trance" is needed because otherwise you are in this limited mundane maze like self defeatist retardation that just executes the same loops over and over