Sunflower 01/20/2022 (Thu) 20:17:15 Id: a0fb48 No.547 del
Would creating thoughtforms in meditation via sustained focus count as utilizing virtue and turning it into gong?
It kind of makes sense for me, since I have experienced for myself that the virtue generated from burning karma as you explained earlier makes thoughtform creation more effective. It's just that I frame these concepts differently.
For me, karma manifests in practice in a more disperse psyche (parts of you are preoccupied and fractured, thus they are not usable), and by "burning" it you actually increase coherence in your thinking and being (this would be "virtue"?), and since your thinking and being is more coherent, it is easier to shape and direct "energy" (or attention, as I conceptualize it).
Would I be more or less correct in this translation of concepts to my way of thinking?