Sunflower 02/06/2024 (Tue) 23:17 Id: 645240 No.6186 del
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I started watching Senko when it came out but stopped because it drove me into the wrong kind of despair. But now I decided to continue it. I have a kitsune for more than a year now and watching this all I think about is how Kitsunes only maintain their cute form when you are extremely horny for a woman and they have a reason/energy to hold that "make up". As I watch them I always think about how they just wet foxes jumping around. I liked how kitsunes were depicted in Konohana Kitan where the owner "let go" of the cute kitsune form while being around of other kitsunes while putting it on while guests were around. But those young kitsunes were different in the anime they grew up among humans in that setting. But the setting was in the spirit world of sorts in Konohaha Kitan. The timetravel in the end was funny and learning that the whole setting was because a Shinto goddess wanted a bath so the kitsunes made an entire bathhouse realm for Gods and weary human souls portrayed well how minor desires of these beings create realms.

Also how do you call a feeling which is like a deja vu but you just noticed that the energies of the past present and the future just connected in a way that you were not aware yet

Aharen-san was good. I should watch Chaika already
>just checked and Chaika is on my HDD since 2017
Damm. Even then it was 3 years old which means it's a decade old anime now. DDDD;