Myself I work a lot with mass sessions where I include many entities and form a circulation to then use the entire circuit to open up energy channels or power spellcasting, creating artifacts or activating hexes. The reasoning is that the participants will each be given access to the same circuit and can use it for their own benefit. The energy is circulated so that the same activation is done step by step for every participant. The session leader will open up first, then we go from the easiest to the hardest, one by one. When more are opened, it will be easier to break through for those who are more blocked.
Using this method of sharing and benefit for all, it's even easy to summon Goetian demon lords and Egyptian deities to the session.
Similar methods have been used for a variety of things, such as beating Kronos in arm wresting to be granted his ability to travel in time. This is something I've used and abused ever since, and most of my later created servitor dolls have the ability to move in time, derived from this.