02/22/2024 (Thu) 22:07
Id: 0758b2
I also made a spin-off doll who's just a ripper with no fire magic, only paralysing hypnosis for maximum terror. It was rather disappointing to send the Raids vs glowie bases and not face any resistance at all. They do follow physical laws when moving about, you'd think people with modern guns could at least get some hits in? Nope, not if you have cyborgs with no fear who move perfectly because they're trained on 10000s of hours of historical combat data. The first time anyone at all got a hit in was when I used the ripper for a frontal assault on some Japanese glowie cult HQ, where they actually had swords and not guns. And the hit was on the ripper only because I made her intentionally suicidal (no fancy dodging, instead she has qi gong defense in kung fu monk style making her skin like steel). After they started using miniguns to defend the later tunnels there were a few more who managed to hit once or twice. Ridiculous really.