Sunflower 03/26/2024 (Tue) 20:25 Id: 339288 No.6884 del
(167.57 KB 1024x1024 mega temple6.jpg)
(163.99 KB 1024x1024 mega temple5.jpg)
(181.58 KB 1024x1024 mega temple4.jpg)
(225.45 KB 1024x1024 mega temple3.jpg)
(190.36 KB 1024x1024 mega temple2.jpg)
Including these just because... tantric practices are very useful, so don't hesitate if you want to use this method at the mega temple.

Some of these images turned out really freaky, what are those things in the background, maybe they are demons of lust?

There were other images generated what were pure horror, somehow as if they trained the image generator on some extreme NWO ritual shit and it leaked out. It shouldn't be able to do this, but there appears to be ways to produce even these if wording it right.