Sunflower 03/26/2024 (Tue) 20:38 Id: ad4760 No.6886 del
>somehow as if they trained the image generator on some extreme NWO ritual shit and it leaked out. It shouldn't be able to do this, but there appears to be ways to produce even these if wording it right.
HAHAHA. I knew this would happen. Their degenerative ways are influencing artists and they always embrace the "art" of those people. Their "truth" always emerges from the shadows no matter how well they want to hide it. As much as they preach secrecy they yearn attention even if unwanted.

>Ask any questions you have about this temple!
While I could go and see it by myself but I am kinda busy with other things so maybe later.
What galaxies it connects to? Should I consider this as an "above all galaxies thing" so it can connect to any galaxies or it has fixed dimensional connectors to specific galaxies. So if I get the sigil right. The yellow is the 3D pure "faith lane" we access through from the 3D the energy every temple needs to be called a "temple" then the 4 browns are dimensional connectors or just merely the 4 corners of that intergalactic existence? I am starting to think this color is not even "brown" but simply there is no better color to illustrate it.

Yeah if it's too hard to explain no need I will visit when I feel like it but asked as a conversational starter of sorts. Also it seems fuckhuge. I think I will need to prepare to listen to guides explaining what is what when I go there and expect it last for hours.

What other entities partake in it's construction? Or was it simply "always there"?