Sunflower 04/07/2024 (Sun) 21:25 Id: b5ef9f No.7172 del
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Circumcision is a forceful tantric practice, same as the sub-section practiced in some island nations. The problem with widespread usage is that most people won't have any benefit from it, it's as if hindus all demanded people cut the string below the tongue like some extreme yogis do. It can help if you want to force yourself to practice, but for the majority it isn't good.

For Muslims the secret practice is actually to have 4 wives, but I don't think a single one of them know what they're for today.

I know I had hand in making it this way, I saw a vision once where I was taking part in the formation of events in north Africa back then, seeing the movement of peoples like energy streams quickly forming societies on the map and manipulating them in real time. Getting this specific timeline to form was really tricky, like Homura getting Madoka to become the super witch by joining all timelines into one. Pics like this cover image almost give me anxiety still, must be related.

The whole point of it was to form it all into a coherent structure, with djinn at the bottom edges, then prehistoric Jews (bird souls/Rosicrucians from past Earth) and their Neptune along with Satan and the Moloch cult, all of it encased in Ra, the original egregore of this planet. It's a difficult balancing act to even have all of these exist in the same society at once. That is the purpose itself. It is "co-existing" as it is, which makes all choices available.