Sunflower 04/07/2024 (Sun) 22:32 Id: 645240 No.7178 del
Yeah this is why I said
>We will see it's effects anyways.

But I consider it as an "effect". The USA is not an integral part of Europe no matter what the average USAtard thinks.

>if things change over there, it changes everywhere, in terms of The Great Satan changing his influence on the world as a result.
Also my other problem is that the elites realized Eurasia is the main goal in the end and they are ditching the USA for a while the same way they ditched Europe after they realized they can move to the USA. My problem is that the "Great Satan" is not a singular being but a series of networks and the USA is on an "abandon wreckage" crash course for a while. But their plans change all the time mostly because not even they know what they are doing.

I am not saying the USA doesn't matter I am saying that the eclipse and it's energies stay in the USA and because of that I do not know how it will influence things.
While from the eclipse itself I am not expecting much I do not know what rituals will those weirdos attempt. I feel a great surge of energies but that does not come from the eclipse but from the people that want to capitalize upon it. And they don't have a singular purpose. Everyone wants something different. Hard to predict that.