Sunflower 04/25/2024 (Thu) 23:09 Id: 645240 No.7570 del
Oh and don't tell anyone but The real reason I go to /v/ is because I have friends who have more free time than me that want me to play the current popular game every season so whenever they get hyped about a game I go to a thread about the game gather all information how shit it is to conclude how much I don't want to play it. Not to mention pol and v is the 2 best boards to report on twitter drama so I do not need to go to twitter to know the context of every twitter post they send me. I literally go to /v/ to find excuses to not play videogames. And save reactionpics containing the videogame that they propose me to play. Yes I am a well adjusted adult

>They were real printed CDs from a pirate factory in China.