I am now initiating the work on time manipulation which I had in mind for a while, treating time as a string particle similar to light.
This work will be combined with programming, which can be viewed as a form of spellcasting, where language is used to direct energy within an existing system.
To get properly started and organized, I asked the greys for help. They presented a few interested individuals out of whom I chose two to work with. We decided on nicknames for them. Out of respect for the personal contact I will only refer to them as F and C.
F&C suggested the creation of a tool to take the work to the next level. While Kit, Kitsune Alchemist, does a good job of datamining a new field, the actual work begins after her collection and the finalized product has been created. Kit produces tools in the form of servitors, bots or DNA. This is true.
So what we need, according to F&C, is a tool for searching in language. This means a search bot for finding the right expression based on the given task.
Because of the chosen view that energy = time, the working name of the tool is "time programmer" or Tim.