Sunflower 06/18/2024 (Tue) 17:44 Id: 89bc52 No.8076 del
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There's always that thing about motivations

trying to create artificial motivations just doesn't work for major things

it doesn't

When really blocked mentally I can wake myself up by going in to my training mat and just throwing myself down to activate my judo reflexes, that much works.
But it really doesn't work for more complex things, and it also doesn't work beyond that direct state, even if it comes from outside. Someone trying to do this, will just manage to activate the defense reflex, but after that plays out, it's back to not being motivating.

I was working to create a mechanic drill servitor which drills through old thought patterns, allowing for new paths to form. But although I had the whole structure visually before me (Kit had it all laid out) I just still couldn't make all the parts of the construct klick into place.

I went for a design of a drow inspired thai boxer who uses Qi to manifest an energy drill, and uses this to attack old thought infrastructure to open new paths for energy to flow. But there was immense resistance. I went to sit down in lotus position by the front door looking out over the garden. All through this, I had someone working there who for some reason decided to work right in my view as if to distract my vision so I couldn't focus on a point in the distance. Well it's a test of course, I'll close my eyes and focus inward.

This took significant time, and during the process of forcing the form into place, I became aware of large interdimensional structures trying to block me, and it felt just like some major breakthroughs from the past. When I did get through it (details are a story of its own), the drill servitor then suddenly also formed with all parts clicked into place.

This was the motivation I needed. I had to really believe in the thing I was aiming for, and in this case I really did.