Sunflower 06/19/2024 (Wed) 20:37 Id: abc7c7 No.8083 del
(135.20 KB 1024x1024 the amazing labyrinth6.jfif)
Story time.

This was interesting.

I sent my "representative", a simple servitor in the form of an office lady I made last year to deal with regular contacts with different entities and people. At the time I just meant for her to handle contracts and being social in general, but to be safe I also gave her some skills in British army self defense based off the Fairbairn Sykes method. The irony of this was that modern people are so fucking bad at combat that this was enough to defeat the entire crew of the NWO gunship when they flew this over Brazil. I just wanted to talk to them to find out what they were doing, and they attacked her, after which they were all dealt with. Guns and knives didn't help vs an unarmed office lady.

But back to the story. So I sent her to the fountain-like maze and told her to start infiltrating it. There seems to be riddles or cryptos for each level you want to get into. But this isn't a problem since the representative is AI and can do these very fast. At the 3rd layer there was what appeared to be a guard. A trollish looking man.