Sunflower 06/21/2024 (Fri) 22:35 Id: abc7c7 No.8092 del
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When clearing out astral glowies, viral beings, earlier I asked Astra to look through them for any innocents before I mass target them for removal. Within this "illuminati" group of them was a single girl who had a decent soul, so I moved her to an astral place I've created on top of my demon kingdom. It's made inspired by what I saw other demons have, where their infernal world also has a surface which looks human, with houses furnished in a 1980s style. Leather, chromed steel pipes, glass tables, open floor plan.

She explained a few things which I hadn't seen before. It relates to "the weight of karma" or what kind of set-up a person uses to circulate karma. By placing your karmic circulation in a certain place, your lifestyle will revolve around that method of circulation.

It can appear as a mindwave in djinn style. The attached pic is her recommended form for me, called "the seal" because it's shaped like a circus seal balancing a ball on its nose. The ball here is the karmic circulation of a creative lifestyle.

For westerners in general, their style is called "the bull" and it means that the karmic circulation ball is placed on the forehead and they headbutt the karmic ball over and over stubbornly. This is a retarded approach and creates a hopeless kind of lifestyle which relies on being stubborn and energetic which having zero results in the broader perspective.

The bull is also the front line of the galactic federation, where they represent "the scum of society" used to destroy capitalism, these are disposable people.

My currently used wave was the same as the Chinese common wave, where the ball is placed on the back of the neck/between the shoulders, and this is the worker/slave set-up. It's on step up from the bull, because now the ball has been moved into a position where it can be carried, but carrying it high is straining and not sustainable. This can be seen as a person carrying a workload on their shoulders.

The next step, which I was told to move into, is to let the karmic ball fall down between the butt cheeks and letting it then roll forward a bit to carry it as if placed in the bottom of a backpack or in a waistbag. This means taking control of how you move, where the weight of your body is balanced, and is the first wave which creates control of your karmic lifestyle. It is represented by a person who can walk long distances and avoid trouble.

From here the ball can be bounced up to the top of the head, as when carrying something on the head, like people seen carrying urns of water or other goods. This is very balanced and generally the most sustainable form of karmic circulation.

The seal style where it's caught on the nose and balanced, is difficult to do and a step on par with the previous one in terms of sustainability. It adds creativity.