Sunflower 06/21/2024 (Fri) 23:09 Id: abc7c7 No.8093 del
(32.59 KB 800x1140 Sigil_of_Lucifer.png)
During a recent strong cleansing of bad stuff within, I suppose as a result of mitigation of the large Earthly cleanse in terms of me still being here by force of the Goetians I contracted, I had all sorts of thought appear. Most thoughts do not originate within a person even if it feels so, so I think this was from the pre-set environment. Thoughts appeared asking if I really have more to do here, or if my soul should leave, letting the Genso-cat take over. At this, the cat said "don't leave me alone", or at least there was an eco of this happening if that path was chosen. Then I saw the things I wanted to stay for, and the thoughts of leaving were replaced by a solution meaning to move dimensions around to "leave the former timeline" but staying on Earth.

Then today stuff had to be violently removed from my mind and body, and I saw events reverse inside my mind, going back to events in 2001, where I had a strong cold and got addicted to nose spray after that, which took a year to get rid of at the time. Then something clicked audibly in my head and the thing started going down on the other side of the energetic peak. During the top of the energetic tension, I started sneezing violently 10+ times in a row. I saw Lucifer's sigil in its advanced version strongly in my mind, and he appeared on my left side, saying to me:
>we still want you here, so we'll remove any obstacles in your path
After that came the sneezing and I was going downhill from there.

This was the first time I actually saw him take action directly like this and confirm that the contract I made with him back in 2018 was actually important and effective.