07/16/2024 (Tue) 23:33
Id: fe878d
There is one thing I didn't explicitly mention, and it's something the glowies will consider madness, and maybe also so for other "regular wizards" and that is that the servitors do not blanket block all attacks based on their hostility or malicious intent, but based on their actual negative effect if you are hit by them.
NWO psiops will just block everything using "psi bubbles" and other stuff, which means they are containing their own karma on the inside. Then they attempt to dispose of it using various ineffective means like covid vaxxinations and WW3 where they think they can get the slave cattle to pay for their karma in their stead. That won't work, and they have to actually remove it themselves for it to be real.
So that flaw isn't built into anything I share, rather the servitors will block things that threaten your life or threatens to permanently harm your body or your path. Shields that also block karmic repayment would actually be considered a threat by the servitors, because it blocks your cleansing process and contains negative energy inside you.
This means you may still be attacked as long as it is non-lethal and contains a path forward on your path, and that is by design. The glowies can't tolerate this because they are hired by fat NWO:ers to just block everything negative in their limited materialistic lives until they die, if they then go to hell after and get it worse than anything else, is not a concern for the glowie psychics, it's not what they are paid to solve.