Sunflower 07/16/2024 (Tue) 23:39 Id: fe878d No.8304 del
The protection on Trump for example did exactly this, it didn't allow for a lethal attack, but it allowed for karmic repayment and spiritual growth through that attack against him.

Moreover, you can definitely organize parties of servitors, I've done that with the Raids, just ask Updater to find the squad leader version of Raid and you can after that just give orders to the group instead of individually if you want.

Most servitors do end up being fully automatic after they gain a lot of experience, or rather after you gain experience, since they "run on your brain" like programs so you are actually training your own mental functions by illustrating them as various characters, otherwise it would be hard to access these parts of yourself. When fully automated in part or completely, they become energy forms beyond your brain and your body and exist on the astral or even physical as real beings which are manifestations of yourself in different forms.