Sunflower 07/22/2024 (Mon) 22:26 Id: eead3f No.8346 del
It all in the open, remember when people were discussing Putin's leg movements on tv? That was a demon acting as him, and they even commented on it: "well legs are strange things", because not all spiritual beings are used to having a physical body. The same demons are controlling the Ukraine government now. Maybe it's because I'm better tuned for it, but they aren't hiding at all, you can see them if you just look at the layer behind the physical. They even showed up that way on some videos, or they appeared as semi-visible, causing strange effects where Zelensky's guards seemed to have backwards legs on one photo, because they are goat demons so their legs look that way.

I don't know where they got them from, I've just seen that demon type around a lot in the last year.