Sunflower 07/23/2024 (Tue) 21:41 Id: 975c6f No.8352 del
>they are very analytical in their work towards that goal.
Once you can see the threads of fate it can be "easy" like that. Ukrainian dies in battle as a martyr or becomes a hobo drug addict criminal or other globohomo slave? If you can see that "they have no future" then... you have to accept that "they will be compensated for it later" or if they are truly the masters of their own destiny then they can and will "find their ways" but most only find their ways in the afterlife because they didn't manage to reach anything in their life. So hard to say things for certain. Stalin said well how One death is a tragedy; one million is a statistic.
>Something within me just doesn't like the idea of trading 1000 of my own soldiers per day to kill 5000 of the enemy if it's real life and not a game
I think the "Idea" is that it's not "their own soldiers" like how your soldiers are like your personal toys or akin family and friends but murderers and scum that will either die doing what they "Like doing" in a way they might do harm to the enemy or they will do it to the people who you care about... i know I am warping the true design of their ways because they have deeper considerations too and not all of them are "pleasant" but still. Life is life. Not accepting it's cruelty is "anti-life" in a sense. For big picture thinking you have to consider all the trees that needs to be cut to make that picture a reality.
>that the goal is complete eradication of all Ukrainian males who have any small tendency of aggression against Russia
Ukraine IS Russia even historically. This is why Putin was so autistic about that history lesson. It's like your head trying to bite your nipples retardation if we try to look at what is Ukraine doing currently. Just because they hate Moscovites because what the commies did they are not allowed to sell their body and soul to become meat shields for criminals and Europe destroying money laundering schemers for "retribution". It's ridiculous that all the "aid" that the EU is giving to the "poor Ukrainian farmers" are people who have more money than some countries GDP while if a farmer even tries to "beg" they instantly conscript them. This economically destroying Europe and Russia with that absolutely perfectly placed country called Ukraine with the power of infinite money is ridiculous. The more I see it the harder it becomes to deny the things that needs to be done to avoid that future.
>Maybe we are mere weeks from total Ukrainian defense collapse and it's a fixed number to trade and this is just acceptable.
I really liked how Zelenshit said that the next "peace conference" will be in november when surprise surprise we know who won the presidency in the USA. You know what happens when you arm a high number of disgruntled people that know they will die if they go against artilleries and minefields that didn't make a step towards them for years?
For some reason a rebellion is still not "possible". The energies are not there for it. Fucking Ukrainians I swear. They either get shipped dragged and die than "try" at all. Those who had the balls to get rid of the conscriptors flee and hide are not even "Ukrainians" because what it constitutes being an Ukrainian means being a brainwashed slave till the end now. Fuck. This was a sad realization. Not to mention the worst realization of the people we need to weed out from NATO. You know the saying.
>With friends like these who needs enemies
Guess it's time to learn the true meaning of friendship