Sunflower 07/25/2024 (Thu) 19:45 Id: 0de68f No.8387 del
It hasn't peaked. Sonnet(mid tier model)3.5 is better then opus(flagship model) 3 was and gpt5 hasn't even been released.pretty sure gpt4o is smaller than gpt4 as well. People forget it takes 2 to 3 years for a new generation of ai to come out so they expect a mindblowing change every month. Ai video went from basically nothing to halway close to real life in like the past few months.theres also even better unreleased models such as elevenlabs music ofcourse everybody scammed eachother with the "ai" term so economically things might crash but technology wise it isnt even close to mature yet.image generation stagnated but thats also cause censortship and as far as 8 can tell actual retardedness by people in charge.(for example removing the models understanding of style to not offend people or getting rid of most data.)
You can actually tell this is true cause video generators caught up to or even surpass image generators despite being a fundamentally harder task to solve computationally.