Sunflower 07/28/2024 (Sun) 17:49 Id: 0de68f No.8452 del
The crime statistics things can actually be double checked by asking victims. They did this in america and found that the statistics are actually accurate and black people really do commit more violent crime(that leave survivors atleast). Funilly enough,similar studies also sbow that whites are MORE likely to be killed by makes sense to me. Kill a white guy and no one will even know or care.

On the topic of agressiveness.. yes i can see that. I think whites were meant to be violent people(especially nordics) in the first place.hence part of why multiculturism doesnt work. Its inherently artificial as in their deepest hearts whites arent even fine with it.vikings raped killed and plundered. Now their descendends are little gay boys preaching diversity. They cant be fully happy really. Now russians? If anything they are the least puppified people as individuals,if anything i relate to them better because of this.russians i met are rather calm but still have this energy of self defense to them. Now geopolitically i actually agree with you. I was angry at the eu and america over 10 years ago with the whole building bases so close thing.

Heres a good example of what i mean. There was this video of a black man in russia talking shit and acting out in someway. Immidiatly russians came out of a car and either attacked or held him down(very old video) they said something like "we welcome you to our home and you act like THIS".you could see the black guy was comepletely shocked and he immidiatly backed down and behaved. This is exactly what white people lack these days. What you feel might actually be this natural agression(also inter ethnic as whites are meant to be rather competitive and tribal) repressed tot the highest level.this is especially true for vikings who might even be more agressive than average if anything.i think ideally whites are a sort of semi eugenic race even. Fighting themselves to weed out the weaklings.its partly why chinese mentality wouldnt work as well for them. They have their own way of making a great society but it aint what they are trying to do here.even if that view isnt true, forcing an entire race to be "accepting" when no race of humans has ever been "accepting" is asking for trouble.