Sunflower 02/18/2022 (Fri) 13:13:37 Id: a1b1bf No.846 del
>multiple people are fucking with weather. I am not just talking about fellow aeromancers but HAARP tier cloud seeder
I didn't consider that. That's not ok, I think something should be done about that.
>a contract is as valid as long someone can enforce it?
That's not how a contract works. Being able to enforce something does not make it a contract. That's "law enforcement" and that is a crime against the gods. Humans are not allowed to do this, only gods and nature spirits can enforce universal laws.
A contract is a set of terms which two parties both agree to and sign in some way. After both have agreed to it, the contract must have the ability to be self-enforced through the materials it concerns.
Such as: both parties will invest a certain amount of energy (bring something to the table) and the contract will only expire when both parties agrees to dissolve it, at which time there must be an equal return. You can of course create asymmetric contracts, that's probably more common. Then it's stated that
>party A bring material 1
>party B brings material 2
>contract expires upon agreement of party A and B
>upon expiry the material received must match the share inserted in %, but may vary in actual material received
Then the material itself will create a balance through syncing with greater universal principles of loss and gain as well as karma. That will prevent breaking of the contract. If it can be broken and does not expire based on the terms, it's not really a contract, but more of a code of conduct document.
It may take a while to grasp the intricacies of this, but the best way is to use it in real situations and see for yourself. Don't put in something big to start with, make sure you are willing to lose what you invest at first. Then you should be safe until you understand how to do this.